Monday, July 23, 2012

Soul Searching - Yellow

Seven blocks down...two to go...brown and doesn't surprise me that the brown block is among the last to be done!

The yellow block was fun to do...I do love's such a happy sunny colour...

Funnily enough, I don't have a lot of this colour in my stash...probably because I keep on using it...might have to "restash" :)

And seeing I know what the final layout will be I just had to sew together a looks pretty good...I could start a new thing in outdoor patchwork banners! Except I wouldn't recommend hanging them off party lights!

Off to make the mess with brown and purple fabrics now!


  1. Loving watching your progress...mine stalled until this morning when I picked out some browns and purples...then I only have aqua and red to go! It is a lovely project to ponder over. Thanks for sharing yours.

  2. Can't wait to see it finished. Looks great!

  3. This is going to look great!
