Do you like the wonky checkerboard border? I started the cushion thinking I would put a string pieced border around the "M" but then realised I had cut all my pieces to big, and there would be too much waste.
So I decided to do a checkerboard with a "no maths" twist. First, I cut a whole bunch of rectangles 3x6" (I used scraps from my scrap box), then I pieced them together with the edges being mismatched.
Sew together as many as you need for your borders. Be careful to alternate your fat and thin ends otherwise you could end up with a big snake shaped strip! (TIP: If you end up with a big snake you will need to unpick a seam or two and flip pieces around, otherwise you will lose too much of your border when you trim up).
When your strip is the right length, trim it up to be 5.5".
When your strip is the right length, trim it up to be 5.5".

Trim back your mismatched seams to a regular 1/4".Then slice the strip in half length ways.
And then mix up the halved strips so you have mix and match need to worry about matching the seams, in fact the more unmatched they are, the easier they are to sew together.
That's all there is too it! If you found these instructions useful, or even confusing, please let me's the first time I have written up a "how to" blog.