Sunday, August 24, 2014

Tripping along

Life is speeding along over here at FunFabricQuilts....the faster life gets....the slower the sewing gets...I am currently participating in a sew along with Bridgette Giblin on Facebook...making a Trip Around the World by hand.

The challenge started in May/June...I was behind from the start of course...

The challenge included using a red dot fabric....2 " squares....and eyeballing the seam line...

It's quite soothing to slow down and doesn't matter if only a few squares get sewn on...

.....because it slowly gets bigger.....

My sewing room, and bed of my sewing machine is covered in STUFF, it's a layering kind of effect...

This is what happens when you don't work on a project at a time!

But this is going to be changed soon, because today I entered the French General's Wife into the Alice Springs it needs to be quilted, bound, and packed up ready to go by mid October...OMG a deadline....don't panic :0

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